Homeschooling in Albany, New York
If you reside in the City District of Albany and you would like to homeschool your child, you will need to contact the office.
Notice of Intent to Homeschool
Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP)
Quarterly Reports
Annual Assessment
Why Homeschool?
Questions? Contact a homeschool consultant.
Notice of Intent to Homeschool
Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP)
Quarterly Reports
Annual Assessment
Why Homeschool?
Questions? Contact a homeschool consultant.
I can assist you with:
* choosing a curriculum (if needed); * completing the required paperwork on your behalf for you to submit to the school district (individualized home instruction plan (IHIP), quarterly reports); * the process of removing your child from school and choosing an annual assessment at the end of the year. Allow me to assist you with your homeschooling needs. "Homeschooling Made Easy" package is available for the 2023-2024 school year. NYS residents only. Order now and we can get a head start for this coming school year! Go to my services page to order this package or arrange for a consult call or other available service. |